Quit My Job to Travel!
Welcome to the Official Secrets of The Tally Website!
Dearest Tally Supporters,
Wow! What a week! Time has gone SO fast since I put in my notice to leave work.
The decision to leave my job and travel the country on a train sometimes makes me wonder if I'm crazy, but mostly has me so excited that I can barely sleep.
I've officially finished my first draft of book three, and I'm going to take this time to get the manuscript perfect, and pursue the best publishing opportunities possible.
Want to stay in touch?
I'm going to be sending out monthly emails to let everybody know where I am in my travels, and how the books are coming along. If you want to be included, drop your email in the "Keep Me Posted" Box Below. I'm not selling anybody's info - promise :)
My last day at the AC Hotel has finally come, and I can't believe how incredibly wonderful and supportive the entire staff has been. They just threw me a mini surprise party to send me off, and now I'm on my way.
Here we go! Please drop your email so we can keep in touch. :)